I have been exploring different painting mediums including acrylic, oil and ink washes, in both mixed media work and as a separate medium. The introduction of strong colour is developing in the seascapes, with the intention of capturing the light and form of the coastline. The geology of this landscape is very important and is intrinsic to all of the landscape work.
She has continued to work in mixed media print, developing techniques of watercolour printing and collograph, alongside experiments with paint. She often includes Chine Colle and mixed media.
The landscape work includes areas such as the Cornish Coastline and parts of the South Coast. The Avebury Stones have also been of great interest and is in development with printing techniques. These ancient stones relate to the solid rocks of the coast, whilst having a very illusive and transient nature as the natural light moves around them.
I have has also been developing life drawing with dominant colours and feels this has had a greater influence on the paintings.
Shirley Cartey has a BA(Honours) in Fine Art Painting, and has shown in US and UK exhibitions.
2014-15 In the US I was part of local art group Studio Montclair and have shown in the following exhibitions:
State of the Art - January 2015
Academy Galleries, Montclair New Jersey
Water/Colour - May 2015
Academy Galleries, Montclair New Jersey
Ekphrasis II - September 2015
Montclair Public Library, NJ
(Working with poets, belonging to the local writing group, culminating in four poems written about one of the Prints)
2014 - 15 Gallery Ice Windsor have taken collage cards and etching prints in their gallery.
Gallery Website : thegalleryatice.co.uk
2016 - Pen and Ink Illustrations -
Collaboration with poet Anita Campbell on Walking Through The Green Lane.
2017 - Newbury Open Studios
2018 - Newbury and Marlborough Open Studios
City Arts Newbury - From Nature collaboration with Lone Hudson, Lorna Goldsmith and Petra Giede-Barnes.